Friday, September 25, 2009

Lyla News

Not a whole lot is new since the beginning of the month. Lyla continues to be adorable as always but the motor milestones are slowing down. She's rolling from tummy to back but not the other way around yet (although she often gets to her side from her back, then loses energy). She's more content on her belly and will play for longer (especially if the dogs are nearby and she can watch them--I think she particularly enjoys this because they are at her level). She's started grabbing the dog's fur which concerns me a bit. Oakley and Milo have been great with her, but if I were them I'd be annoyed if a little person started grabbing me and wouldn't let go! So we have to watch them extra closely now.

Lyla's verbal skills are developing. She's learned how to shriek--really! It's pretty cute, probably because she's four months old. Probably won't be so cute if she continues until she's four YEARS old! She's started saying some consanant sounds like "d" and "h." I thought she said "hi" the other day, but it was probably my wishful thinking.

She wakes up happy most mornings and she babbles to herself in her crib for a while which is also pretty cute. Something not so cute though is that she's decided that sleeping through the night is way over-rated. For the past couple weeks she's woken up EVERY night at 4:30. Occasionally at 1:00 or 2:00 as well. Great. Nothing lasts forever I suppose.

She got her first cold a couple weeks ago and I was sick too (not sure who gave it to who--with her being in daycare and me working with sick kidos, it's really a toss-up). She only had a stuffy nose but it broke my heart listening to her sniffle and snort. I see sick kids all the time, most a lot sicker than this, but it's different with your own kids.

I finally finished my residency applications and got four interviews within the first week! The first one is halloween weekend in Richmond, Virigina so we're all (well, not the dogs!) taking a road trip and we'll stay with my friends Shannon and Kevin for a few days while we're down there. It should be lots of fun! This fall and winter we're going to be doing a lot of traveling with my interviews, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We're going to England for Christmas so that should be an interesting flight!

Photos are coming soon! We stopped taking them daily like we were the first couple months! Lyla pretty much looks the same as she did a few weeks ago, although more photos are a good excuse to show off her adorable and extensive wardrobe!

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