Friday, October 16, 2009

Look What Lyla Can Do!

Lyla has been impressing us everyday! Last weekend she mastered sitting with support in her boppy pillow, and this week she is working hard on sitting all by herself! She is able to prop herself up by supporting herself sitting with one hand, and also sits all on her own for about 20-30 seconds before toppling over. By the end of the month I'm sure she'll be a pro! Check out the videos of her sitting up playing on our flickr account.

She also LOVES her doorway jumper--thanks to her buddy Caroline who let her borrow it! She has figured out how to make it bounce, and also how to get all the lights and sounds to work too! There's a video of this too at flickr. The jumper is her favorite contraption and she prefers this to the high chair and swing usually.

Speaking of high chairs, Lyla has been really funny lately about eating. Some days she's really interested, other days she'll take one bite and then pull this ridiculous face! So far she's tried sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, squash, green beans, bananas, and apples. I thought she's like the fruit more, but not really. Next on the list are peas, corn, avocados, and pears. Traditional advice is that you should wait three days before introducing a new food (in case your baby has food allergies), but I just read a study that said babies who are given new foods in rapid succession (a new one each day) are more likely to accept new foods and like them in the future. So out with the old and in with the new, and I guess if Lyla gets a rash we'll have some detective work to do to see what caused it. This article also said that babies who initially reject a particular food and seem not to like it, will eventually accept it if it is given repeatedly (up to 20 times before they "like" it!)--so guess what Lyla, there's no getting away from that squash that you pull a face at!

I've been off work three days this week because the doctor I'm working with is out of town. Lyla and I have been enjoying our time together, but I definitely realized that this "stay-at-home-mom" is not for me. As much as I love being with Lyla, by the end of the day I'm a bit bored and miss having adults to talk to. I think half days would be ideal, but I don't know if that's realistic.

I'll post some new photos soon, but there's a bunch of videos at

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