Friday, May 22, 2009

Three Weeks Old!

I can't believe Lyla has already been here for three weeks. Sometimes I forget what it was like without her here. We had a fun week--Lyla went to her first baseball game--the Erie Seawolves (Mike had a school field trip there so we joined them). She seemed to enjoy it as she slept through most of it! We've been taking lots of walks with the dogs and Lyla's friend Caroline (and Anna!). She likes her stroller and falls right to sleep even if she's crabby when I put her in. She seems to like her baths a lot as long as we keep it warm--we might have a little swimmer on our hands :) We ran lots of errands this week and I got most of my "to-do" list checked off which was nice. Clothes shopping is not fun. Someone should have warned me not to attempt to try on clothes two weeks post partum, but I don't have a whole lot that fits since all of my maternity clothes are "professional" clothes for work which I'm not going to wear around the house, and all my casual clothes are pre-pregnancy and don't even come close to fitting. Someone also should have warned me not to get on a scale. Depressing. Oh well. On a positive note, Lyla slept SIX hours straight last night!!!! From 10:30-4:30. Then she had a quick snack, I put her back to bed awake and she put herself right back to sleep and slept until 8:30. What a good little baby! Keep up the good work munchkin :) She's still prone to evening fussiness and likes to eat a lot in the evenings, but I think it helps her sleep well at night so I can't complain. She's been a lot more awake and alert this week which has been fun. We've been playing with all her new toys and reading lots of books (I forgot how much fun Dr. Seuss is!) I keep thinking how I only have a few more weeks before I have to go back to my rotations and it makes me pretty sad. We've been having lots of good fun together I know it's going to be a tough transition. At least Mike will be with her the first few weeks (good luck with that Mike!) Here's some photos from the past week. Also, I put a link to our Flickr account on the top left hand side of the page.

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