Thursday, June 11, 2009

Six Week Milestones

Tomorrow Lyla will be six weeks old and has recently achieved two huge milestiones: social smiling and sleeping through the night---hoooray!!! Her smiles are mostly in the morning after she wakes up and eats, but I'm convinced they're intentional and she'll smile for a good 10-15 minutes while I make ridiculous noises and faces at her. The past three-four nights she's slept at least six hours in a row, last night she slept from 11:30-7am, ate, then slept until about 10am! Mike is jealous since she's getting more sleep than him! We took a trip to visit Mike's school on Monday to see the kids' end-of-the-year festivities and games. Lyla seemed to not notice the loud noise in the gym and slept through most of it! We went out to dinner last night and she slept right through that as well! This weekend I'm looking forward to a fun visit from my best college friends--Shannon and Diana, who is also bringing her 9 month old son Payton--visiting all the way from Virginia. My best high school friends Kathleen and Rachael, who is bringing her 12 month old daughter Sophie will be joining us for the day on Sunday so it will be a big girls' celebration/ reunion. I can't wait--it should be a lot of fun!

Here's a video of Lyla waking up. She always sleeps in a swaddle sac (I call it her Houdini bag because it reminds me of a straight jacket!) and as soon as I take it off in the morning she does the cutest stretches, as if to say "I'm free!"

I couldn't get the video to load on the blog so here's the link:

Here's the link for a video of Lyla doing her morning smile routine:

(please ignore my ridiculous mommy voice!)

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