Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Four Months Old!

Lyla is four months old today! I can't believe it. For some reason four months seems like a big milestone for me. She's getting so big so fast. When I see the newborns at work I think how scrawny and boring they are--Lyla can do so much more cute stuff than she could four months ago! As a special four month birthday treat we decided to try giving her a bit of cereal. The official recommendation for starting "solids" is 4-6 months, but I always thought four months seemed too young, and that I'd wait until five or six. Well, as we all know, Lyla has always been very advanced (I'm sure every mom thinks this, but I'm actually right :) She is constantly watching us eat, since she was two months old. She studies the food on the plate, then watches as we bring it to our mouth, then watches the fork go back to the plate, all the while smacking her lips. She also DEVOURS her vitamins in the morning. She gets so excited when she sees the bottle, then grabs my arm with both her hands and pulls the dropper to her mouth--so cute! She definitely seemed very ready to eat and I had a feeling she would be good at it, and of course I was right! We got her first meal on video and I'll try to upload it to flickr soon. It is adorable. She ate more than an ounce and made very little mess. She was using more of a sucking motion, but hey, that's all she knows. She even got upset when I had to stop for a minute to thicken it up. She really seemed to like it so I think we'll continue with once a day meals for a little while.

The other newest trick is that she can now get her feet in her mouth, and she has them there constantly! If she's wearing socks they get soaked. Tomorrow is her four-month check up (and shots :( I'll update with her weight and length tomorrow.

Lyla had her doctor's appointment and she was pleased with Lyla's progress. she weighs 12lbs 4oz (20%), is 24 inches long (40%) and her head is 16 1/4 inches (60%)--so she'll be tall and thin with a big brain!

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